Authors Posts by MH-Global Communications Network

MH-Global Communications Network

Maureen Herron is Executive Director of MH-Global Communications Network, a full-service marketing, communications and public relations business specializing in the environment/sustainability initiatives, tourism, the arts, health/wellness, education and business at the local, state, national and international levels.  A seasoned educator, marketing and communications professional, Herron is a long-time resident of the State of Arizona. Boutique representation for clientele representative of the hospitality industry currently includes international property management and marketing, food and beverage and editorial venues Clients include: Investors Hospitality Management,James Ratliff Gallery, The Creative Spark, Cartus Worldwide, International Institute of Modern Butlers, Lanning Gallery, Turquoise Tortoise Gallery, Association of Travel Marketing Executives, Foothills Food Bank.  She assisted Eleven Wireless with the launching of its newest product, ElevenBC, at the International Hotel Motel & Restaurant Show in New York City.

Herron serves as Editor of the IHM’s Journal of Stewardship with Sustainability™ and member of Hospitality Performance’s Portfolio of Partners as well as inaugural member of IHM’s Global Alliance of Stewardship with Sustainability.


Maureen Herron
Executive Director
Phone: 623-580-9590


Phoenix, AZ - June 5, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Wake Up, world! Violence and suffering abound. The world is in crisis--crisis, whose expression according to the Chinese kanji, indicates danger/crucial point when change happens.

Rising Above the Economy Through Education

Phoenix, AZ - June 1, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Learning is the outcome of education. Public schools nationwide face several challenges in the current economy. Despite such challenges, the expectations of learning have not lessened; indeed, they are heightened by a global demand for literacy in not only the 3r’s but also the absolute necessity for enhanced competencies in math, science and technology.

“Angels Among Us”

Phoenix, AZ - March 29, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- There are angels among us. If current economic clouds gray the American landscape, recipients of philanthropy need not fear, especially if their causes fall within the ken of people like Warren Buffett, and Bill and Melinda Gates

“Cutting Edge Training & Education Through Hypnosis”: An Interview with Mike Lewenczuk

Phoenix, AZ - March 26, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- “…the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts”, so wrote Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Enter: Mike Lewenczuk : He’s been doing this thinking since his youth. Mike’s grandfather was a drummer; hence, Mike had been drumming Western style since sixth grade. Mike had also seen a live demonstration of martial arts when he was 8. At the age of 15, he took a martial arts class and realized, for the first time, he was really good at something. He distinctly recalls: “I could see and feel a change in myself.”

“Carraro/Tovrea”: One Man’s Dream, Another’s Opportunity”

Phoenix, AZ - March 20, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Arizona is celebrating its 100th year of statehood in 2012. Centennial events and activities have been selected to showcase the diverse nature of the State: its people, entrepreneurial spirit, unique destinations and educational opportunities.

"Youth Harness Global Strength at Doha International Gathering"

Phoenix, AZ - August 2, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- “Celebrating the International Year of Youth: Youth as Leaders, Change Makers, and Connected Global Citizens” in Doha, Qatar, ended July 28. Hosted by Global Citizen Corps, this program of Mercy Corps was implemented in partnership with Reach Out to Asia, a Qatari non-governmental organization that works under the auspices of the Qatar Foundation.

“Integration not Isolation – Key to Sustainability”

Phoenix, AZ - June 20, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Where will we be in five years regarding sustainability and the job market as they pertain to personal lifestyle, customer loyalty, and employee expectations?

Amerind: Sustainability Lexicon for Today’s Real Estate Market

Phoenix, AZ - May 19, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The admonition, “Go west, young man!” was taken to heart by William Shirley Fulton from his Waterbury, Connecticut home and lucrative manufacturing business. 1600 acres sprawling amidst the desolate beauty of Texas Canyon in Cochise County, Arizona was Fulton’s find, becoming home and investment. The Amerind Foundation became the passion of Fulton’s life as he established it in 1937. Fulton’s life and accomplishments are more than his personal and family legacy; they function as a primer on how to survive and thrive in today’s economic domestic climate. The Amerind Foundation in its structure, organization, scope of work and active research and programs well illustrates the vitality of contemporary non-profit practice in America.

"US Real Estate and Consumer Financing Demands Resolution of Corrupt Loan Modification Services: ...

New York, NY - January 26, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Vince Ferrante, Tucson resident, is a single dad, responsible father and employee, native of Innsbruck, Austria adopted as an infant with his identical twin brother. He’s pretty disillusioned as an American citizen trying to meet his responsibilities because, for one year, he’s been the victim of a financial fraud scheme initiated by Paragon Financial Solutions, LLC

“O, Canada! Your Arizona Home Calls”

Phoenix, AZ - September 28, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Full moon power lightens the Arizona desert sky, at least cooling down from the intense summer. Yet, with an ever-increasing abundance of investment in Arizona’s sky islands, Canadians flock for visits and investment themselves as home owners to the Valley of the Sun which heralds, for them, significant economic value, so much so that North America’s northernmost travelers are now the largest percentage of new home owners in Arizona. In April, 2010, about ¼ of home buyers to metropolitan Phoenix were not from Arizona. According to Catherine Reagor from The Arizona Republic, “Now, the dominant group of out-of-state buyers is from outside the country.” Phoenix-based Information Market stated Canadian investments in Arizona homes have grown 80%, per comments made during a recent Marketplace interview on American Public Radio.

“For It Is Mary, “Master of the House”, “Head of Her Domain”

New York, NY - July 12, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- She reigns amid statuesque saguaro stands dominating the North Phoenix rolling hills landscape, a petite fireball advocating smart downsizing for prospective clients who appreciate Arizona lifestyle options emerging with momentary economic incentives. Mary knows. Multi-million dollar producer of Arizona residential real estate, Mary enthusiastically welcomes those seizing the moment to recreate their lives by investing, and occasionally expanding or downsizing, in Arizona’s magnificent Sonoran desert vistas of homes and land in North Phoenix. Mary enjoys it so much she lives there. She’s rooted her family in the community of Vistancia where daily hikes typically end work days. Privacy, tranquility and state-of-the-art residences complement exquisite environs in a neighborhood boasting conveniences “to which she’s accustomed”.


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