
Phoenix’s Pro Properties fails to comply with lead disclosure laws / Property management company...

SAN FRANCISCO - March 10, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Pro Properties, Inc., one of Phoenix’s largest property management companies, was fined $7,500 for violating federal lead-based paint disclosure requirements at numerous apartment buildings in the Phoenix area.

Tax Credits Boost Incentives for Green Remodeling

WASHINGTON - February 19, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Expanded tax credits for energy-efficient home improvements in the new economic stimulus package puts more money in consumers' pockets by providing financial incentive for home owners to go green on their renovation projects in 2009 and 2010.

Property tax brouhaha is percolating

There's a concerted effort under way to brew up another property tax revolt in Arizona. The state felt the aftershocks of California's Proposition 13 in 1978. A similar cap on property values and taxation began to circulate in Arizona.

Group seeks ballot measure to limit property taxes

Property owners would see tax breaks while Arizona cities, school districts and other taxing entities would face limits on the amount of money they raised if a ballot measure filed Tuesday won voter approval next year.


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